All the products and services offered on Saroj Overseas, and related Content displayed are the responsibility of the respective vendors and suppliers who have partnered with the Website and to whom the images has been visibly attributed to. The Website is a platform for display and sale relating to products and services offered by these suppliers and vendors. Saroj Overseas does not take responsibility of the availability of such products or services at all times. Saroj Overseas will not be responsible if a particular product or service is not available due to lack of stock or any other reason or has been discontinued by the respective vendor or supplier. Saroj Overseas does not warrant that product descriptions or other content on the Website is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. The images of the products or Services are indicative. They may not match with actual products or result of services at the time of final receipt by the customer. Saroj Overseas display of images of products and offering of said products for sale is in no manner to be construed as an endorsement of the vendor or supplier from whom said product is being procured. Saroj Overseas does not warrant the fitness for purchase, merchantability or use of any products and Services displayed or offered for sale on the Website or via Services.